St. Margaret of Scotland Hospice

St Margaret of Scotland Hospice

About us

The Core Values of the Sisters of Charity are in practice and are evident in the way care is delivered in the Hospice and with the respect staff have for each other. The Core Values are central to all work carried out and our work is guided by them. Staff enjoy reflective sessions whereby time is taken to consider everyday practice and discuss how the Core Values govern our work. We constantly strive to improve by using the Core Values for guidance. The staff use the Core Values for help in decision-making, ensuring justice for all in relation to patients and each other.

Respect for Human Dignity
We respect human dignity when we:

Respect the sacredness of life

Care for the whole person

Demonstrate unity of purpose, while recognising individual differences

Value each person’s contribution

Act in a culturally appropriate manner

We provide service when we:

Create an atmosphere of welcome and hospitality

Promote quality care and excellence

Encourage and demonstrate team spirit

Recognise the value of individual initiatives and ideas

Show an openness to constructive criticism and feedback

Care of the Poor and the Vulnerable/Advocacy
We care for the poor and the vulnerable when we:

Listen attentively to identify unmet needs

Respond in a practical way to those in need

Collaborate with others to share resources

Create access to needed services

Provide basic resources for daily living to those in need

We show compassion when we:

Act with understanding and sensitivity

Work co-operatively with others

Are available to those we serve and to each other

Respect and nurture the environment

We promote justice when we:

Act with integrity

Respect the rights of others

Take responsibility for our actions

Preserve resources

Provide quality without extravagance

Demonstrate fairness in decision making

Affirm, celebrate and develop the gifts and talents of each person

Model justice in all aspects of business practice

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